What is Slimming Toe Ring?
Slimming Toe Ring is a set of silicone rings that fit around the big toe. Each one has a magnet that is supposed to work as acupressure to reduce hunger and support weight-loss. You wear the set all day, so portability is not an issue.
Slimming Toe Ring is a product of Sodial. However, variations of the product are available on sites like Amazon. The set is affordable and widely available on the web, a positive sign. There are some supportive comments, and no negative side effects have been reported.
Weight loss toe rings are based on the ancient Chinese principle of acupressure. This science states that every organ in the body and its subsequent function is connected to another unrelated part of the body and that these points carry nerve impulses back and forth to the said organs. Therefore, palpating or stimulating those points activates certain nerves and related organs causing flow of energy and correcting imbalance.
THIS body slimming toe ring is designed to fix your imbalance of energy by applying constant pressure on a strategic acupuncture point that acts on weight loss located behind the big toe. The 2 pieces of magnet in the rings can emit 1,100 gauss/’s magnetic force on the LV1 dadun acupuncture point.

The immediate benefits to wearing a body slimming toe ring are a reduction of appetite and an increase in digestive system efficiency. The body slimming toe ring triggers the body’s ability to burn fat instead of retaining it. It also helps with bloating and reduces constipation by assisting bowel movement. The body slimming toe ring is designed to help you reach your weight loss goals by restoring your internal energy imbalance.

It is recommended to wear the body slimming toe ring daily on both toes for at least 4 to 6 hours a day while resting to be effective. For maximum efficiency, wearing it while standing during the day (4hours) will expedite results. The secret lies in the 2 pieces of magnet which can emit 1,100 gauss/’s magnetic force on top of body weight to stimulate the acupoint. The main effect is appetite reduction especially in the AM. The effects of the body slimming toe ring begin as soon as pressure is applied and results are experienced within a few days. The body slimming toe ring is made of non-allergenic silicone, barely visible, and easy to wear. DO NOT USE if you have a known allergy to silicone. Discontinue use once satisfied with your results.